How to Clean a Tiffany Style Lamp Shade

How to Clean a Tiffany Style Lamps

Tiffany-style lamps are attractive features in your home when lit. And you certainly want to keep them that way. The beautiful effect can be minimized when the Tiffany style lampshade is exposed to dirt, dust, and grime. Therefore, a Tiffany style lampshade should be cleaned regularly. It is a good idea for an owner to learn how to clean a Tiffany Style Lamp. Failure to clean regularly leads to discoloration of the glasses. Read below to find out how to clean your Tiffany style lampshade.

Not all Tiffany style lamps should be cleaned the same way. You should know the type of dirt on the lampshade and the easiest cleaning method to remove it. It may also be ideal to seek the help of an expert experienced in handling such delicate items.

How to Clean Tiffany Style Lamps with Colored Glass

Tiffany lampshades with opaque or colored glass and cabochons should be cleaned with a lint-free cloth and lemon oil furniture cleaner.

  • Unplug the lamp and allow it to cool.
  • Apply a small amount of the lemon oil furniture cleaner to your lint-free cloth
  • Carefully polish the lamp shade using the cloth

Finally, as part of maintenance, clean the lamp shade regularly to prevent dirt buildup.

Lemon oil furniture cleaner is the perfect choice since it prevents the oxidization and discoloring of the copper foiled leadwork in your lamps. It also protects the integrity of your metal fittings.

how to clean a Tiffany Style Lamp

How to Clean Tiffany Style Lampshades with Clear Glass

Lampshades with clear glass should be cleaned using a glass cleaner that is ammonia, acid, or vinegar free.

  • Unplug the lamp from the power source and allow it to cool
  • Apply a small amount of the glass cleaner to a cloth and run the glass panels gently
  • Polish the lampshade with a fresh lint-free cloth

Glass cleaners with acid, vinegar, or ammonia tend to be too harsh on your delicate glass panels. As part of maintenance, clean the Tiffany style lampshade with a feather dust to avoid dust buildup. Cleaning the glass lampshade regularly with a damp, lint-free cloth removes the need for a glass cleaner.

How to Clean Grease from a Tiffany Style Lampshade

Lampshades fitted in the kitchen may be greased as a result of cooking. A degreaser will certainly help you to clean the lamps.

  • Unplug the lamp and allow it to cool
  • Wear rubber gloves
  • Apply a tiny amount of the degreaser to a lint-free cloth
  • Then rub the lamp sparingly at a time
  • Using a dry clean, lint-free cloth, wipe the lampshade surface clean.

Avoid applying excessive degreaser since it saturates the leadwork and subsequently weakens the surface.

You should also try cleaning the base of the Tiffany-style lampshade. There are two kinds of bases; metal and porcelain or ceramic. For the metal base, use an oil-based polish and a soft cloth. For the ceramic or porcelain base, use warm water and a soft cloth. Distilled water is the ideal choice since tap water tends to be corrosive and can leave marks.


If you are using a detergent or cleaner to clean your lampshade, avoid spraying or applying the product directly onto the lamp. Apply or spray in on the cloth you will use to wipe the Tiffany style lamps. A Tiffany style lamp is a beautiful investment, and one that can be costly. It is a piece of art that is practical and used on a daily basis, and admired every time you hit the on switch. Most owners are highly motivated to keep their treasured work of art in the best possible condition. It is a great idea, and highly recommended that you ensure you conduct the cleaning process carefully to avoid damage. Above all else…be careful!

Tags:cleaning, cleaning lamps, How to Clean a Tiffany Style Lamp Shade, How to Clean a Tiffany Style Lamps, how to clean lead light lamp shade, how to clean stained glass lamp shade, looking after Tiffany Style lamps, maintenance for Tiffany Lamps, stained glass lamp shades, Tiffany Lamps